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Showing posts with the label Retail investors

SEBI Considering Simplification of Derivative Trading Onboarding Process

SEBI Considering Simplification of Derivative Trading Onboarding Process "  SEBI at an early stage of considering simplification of the process of on-boarding of clients by adoption of risk based approach This is with reference to some media articles speculating that SEBI is seeking to curb retail participation in derivative markets. In  this  regard,  it  is  clarified  that  there  is  no  proposal  to  curb  retail  participation  in derivative markets.Currently,  for  trading  in  the  derivative  segment, SEBI  Circular  dated  December  03, 2009(now  incorporated under Master  Circular for  Stock  Brokers dated  May  17, 2023), inter alia, prescribes that the stock broker shall have documentary evidence of financial capability for all clients. SEBI,  in  line  with  the  objective  of  ease of  doing  business,  is  at  an  early  stage  of evaluating if the aforesaid circular can be made applicable based on risk assessment  of  the  clients.  This  would  promote  ease  of