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Showing posts with the label judicial hierarchy india

Where to Go for Help with the Law in India: Judicial Hierarchy.

Where to Go for Help with the Law in India: Judicial Hierarchy. Welcome to India's judicial hierarchy - a tiered system of courts ensuring accessible justice for all. From the pinnacle of the Supreme Court to the grassroots District Courts and Magistrates' Courts, each level handles different cases. Additionally, discover the benefits of Lok Adalats as alternative dispute resolution forums. In this blog post, we'll explore the nuances of this system and offer tips on seeking legal aid effectively. Let's unravel the complexities together and empower you with knowledge for your legal needs. The judicial hierarchy in India is a tiered system of courts that ensures that justice is accessible to all citizens. The hierarchy is as follows: Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the highest court in India and is located in New Delhi. It has original jurisdiction in a limited number of cases, such as those involving the interpretation of the Constitution. The Supreme Court also has